Hewitt Engineering Inc. has extensive experience in the design of water and wastewater infrastructure projects. Previous water system projects include water supply and system planning and the design of large diameter transmission water mains, water supply wells, domestic and high-pressure fire protection waterlines, booster pump stations, ground and elevated storage tanks and the preparation of as-built plans for private water systems. Mr. Hewitt has been involved in the modeling, design, management, and construction phase services for numerous large diameter transmission waterline projects and has designed waterline projects ranging from 8 to 84 inches in diameter for cities throughout Texas.
Water supply and distribution engineering services include:
- Water Supply Planning
- Water Master Plans
- Water Distribution System Modeling
- Ground and Elevated Storage Tank Design
- Pump Station Design
- Water Line Design
- Well Design
- Private Water System As-Built Plans
Hewitt Engineering Inc. has provided project management and design of sanitary sewer rehabilitation projects, wastewater treatment plant improvements, gravity sewer collection lines, force mains and lift stations for municipal clients throughout Texas.
Wastewater engineering services include:
- Wastewater Master Plans
- Infiltration/Inflow Analysis
- Gravity Sewer Line Design
- Force Main Design
- Lift Station Design